The Human Body elements
The human body is made up of a number of certain elements including oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium , phosphorus and potassium. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the body. The body's 43 kilograms (Mass of element in a 70-kg person) of oxygen is found mostly as a component of water, which makes up 70% of total body weight. Oxygen is also an integral component of all proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), carbohydrates, and fats.
Rubidium is the most abundant element in the body (0.68 g) that has no known biological role (silicon, which is slightly more abundant, may or may not have a metabolic function). Vanadium is the body's least abundant element (0.11 mg) that has a known biologic role, followed by cobalt (3 mg), the latter being a constituent of vitamin B12. The last of the body's elements to be discovered was fluorine, by Moissan in 1886
Rubidium is the most abundant element in the body (0.68 g) that has no known biological role (silicon, which is slightly more abundant, may or may not have a metabolic function). Vanadium is the body's least abundant element (0.11 mg) that has a known biologic role, followed by cobalt (3 mg), the latter being a constituent of vitamin B12. The last of the body's elements to be discovered was fluorine, by Moissan in 1886
Interesting Facts about the Human Body
· Our eyes can distinguish up to ten million colour surfaces and take in more information than the largest telescope known to man.
· We give birth to over 200 billion red cells every day.
· Our nose is our personal air-conditioning system: it warms cold air, cools hot air and filters impurities.
· The surface area of a human lung is equal to that of a tennis court.
· Our eyes never grow, and our nose and ears never stop growing.
· Children grow faster in the springtime.
· You can only smell 1/20th as well as a dog.
· There are 137 million light sensitive cells in the eye's retina and the fluid that fills the eye is changed 15 times a day.
· At birth we have over 300 bones. As we grow up, some of the bones begin to fuse together as a result an adult has only 206 bones.
· The human body has 230 movable and semi- movable joints
· A newborn baby’s brain grows almost 3 times during the first year of life.
· The left side of human brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
· For every 2 weeks, the human stomach produces new layer of mucous lining, otherwise the stomach will digest itself.
· As we get older, the brain loses almost one gram per year.
· The human liver performs 500 different functions.
· The heart muscles will stop working only when we die.
· Children have more sensitive ears than adults.
· If human sense of smell is affected, sense of taste is also affected as the brain interprets signals from the nose and tongue.
· A person can live without food for about a month, but only a week without water.
· Brain uses 20 % of our body energy and makes up only 2 % of our body weight.
· Human brain stops growing at the age of 18.
· About 80 % of ultra- violet rays from the sun can get through the cloud and can cause sunburn even on a cloudy day.
· Drinking coffee prevents Parkinsons disease.
· Cold weather improves human memory and concentration.
· Vitamin E protects the brain cells from damage caused by alcohol consumption.
· A heartbeat is nothing but the sound produced by the closure of valves of the heart when the blood is pushed through its chamber.
· Sixty percent of the human body nerve ends in the forehead and the hands.
· The average person is about a quarter of an inch taller at night.
· The brain continues to send out electric wave signals until approximately 37 hours after death.
· The human body takes 6 hours to digest a high fat meal and it takes 2 hours for a carbohydrate meal.
· It is estimated that there are over 1, 000,000,000,000,000 connections in the human brain.
· Liver cells take several years to replace themselves.
· A healthy liver processes 720 liters of blood per day.
· Inner ear is the main organ of balance.
· Human speech is produced by the interaction of 72 muscles.
· In a year on an average person sleeps for 122 days out of 365 days.
· In a human body, the small intestine is 21 feet and the large intestine is 6 feet long.
· Men listen with the left side of the brain and women use both sides of the brain.
· Identical twins have identical DNA but not identical fingerprints.
· Babies recognize sounds while in mother’s womb.
· Human bone is as strong as steel but 50 times lighter
· Human brain is the most powerful computer which has the processing speed of 3000+ Ghz
· The gastric acid in your stomach is so powerful that it is able to eat away an iron tablet in about 5 minutes.
· Sperm containing the xy chromosomes to become a male can swim faster than the female xx chromos
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